Saturday, August 7, 2010


I'm still alive! I've been working like nobody's business for 'the man'.  It's busy, busy at work and while I have finished a few fun projects, I haven't had any time for blogging.  I'm catching up on linky parties during breaks.

So today I'm going to finish up here at my job (working on a Saturday - blech), get to my mom's and put the finishing touches on the wardrobe, so hopefully I can post it on Monday. 

We still have the puppy (she's staying with Mom) and she's hilarious...silly puppies & kittens are the best! So sweet!


  1. Oh, my gosh!
    This picture is to die for!
    Cute! Cute!
    Have a wonderful afternoon!

  2. Puppy is entertaining and adorable. She is so smart and FINALLY making friends with my two chi's. They are a pretty hard sell - stay off my sofa!! But they are all only 6 lbs so I figure they'll work it out.

    Your boxes are beautiful as usual - I wish I could be there when friends receive them - they will love them!


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